Angel Xuan Chang
I am an Associate Professor at Simon Fraser University. Prior to this, I was a visiting research scientist at Facebook AI Research and a research scientist at Eloquent Labs working on dialogue. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford, where I was part of the Natural Language Processing Group and advised by Chris Manning. My research focuses on connecting language to 3D representations of shapes and scenes and grounding of language for embodied agents in indoor environments. I have worked on methods for synthesizing 3D scenes and shapes from natural language, and various datasets for 3D scene understanding. In general, I am interested in the semantics of shapes and scenes, the representation and acquisition of common sense knowledge, and reasoning using probabilistic models. Some of my other interests include drawing and dance.

Associate Professor
School of Computing Science
Simon Fraser University
3DLG | GrUVi | SFU NatLang
Canada CIFAR AI Chair (Amii)
TUM-IAS Hans Fischer Fellow (2018-2022)
Google Scholar
Contact Details
Mailing Address
Angel Xuan ChangSchool of Computing Science
ASB 9971-8888 University Drive
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada
Campus: Burnaby CampusBuilding: TASC1
Room: 8031